A month ago the blog was quiet because there was a lot I couldn’t talk about; now it’s quiet because I am up to my eyeballs in X-Plane 10. I’ll try to get out a few posts I’ve been meaning to write, but it’s definitely crunch time.

I have received a number of emails from plugin developers who wanted to know if they could modify some of the sim/aircraft datarefs, or why modifying them had no effect/an unintended effect.

The short answer is this: in some cases X-Plane will pre-process and cache data that comes from the .acf file. In this case, a sim/aircraft dataref (most of these come from the .acf file) can be read, but writing it will have no effect because the sim has already had its one look at the dataref.

This is a design limitation; it was never the intention of the SDK to allow complete Plane-Maker-level editing of the aircraft on the fly in the sim.

About Ben Supnik

Ben is a software engineer who works on X-Plane; he spends most of his days drinking coffee and swearing at the computer -- sometimes at the same time.

One comment on “Sometimes You Can’t Change Aircraft-Based Datarefs

  1. Be nice to know if any of the weapons datarefs will be changed in Vs 10. I prefer them over xap (sasl) custom datarefs because I can at least see the weapons datarefs in DataRef Editor. If they change I'll have wasted a ton of hours.

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