Just a quick note: last night I fixed the bug in 1030 where the sky is corrupt when you use the instructor’s station and HDR together.  This is the last of the ‘quick’ fixes for 1031, so I’m hoping to have 1031 cut over the weekend.

When I first saw pics of this bug I thought it might have been an old driver, but the number of users seeing it made it clear that it was a real thing; as it turns out, it was a subtle OpenGL screw-up by me.  Frankly the amazing thing is that we’re not seeing it on every Windows driver.  (From what I can tell, the AMD drivers “helpfully” work around my error, hiding the bug.)

We’ll post release notes with the beta with a complete bug fix list.

About Ben Supnik

Ben is a software engineer who works on X-Plane; he spends most of his days drinking coffee and swearing at the computer -- sometimes at the same time.

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