This API allows you to create new layers within X-Plane maps. Your layers can draw arbitrary OpenGL, but they conveniently also have access to X-Plane’s built-in icon and label drawing functions.

As of X-Plane 11, map drawing happens in three stages:

  1. backgrounds and “fill”,
  2. icons, and
  3. labels.

Thus, all background drawing gets layered beneath all icons, which likewise get layered beneath all labels. Within each stage, the map obeys a consistent layer ordering, such that “fill” layers (layers that cover a large amount of map area, like the terrain and clouds) appear beneath “markings” layers (like airport icons). This ensures that layers with fine details don’t get obscured by layers with larger details.

The XPLM map API reflects both aspects of this draw layering: you can register a layer as providing either markings or fill, and X-Plane will draw your fill layers beneath your markings layers (regardless of registration order). Likewise, you are guaranteed that your layer’s icons (added from within an icon callback) will go above your layer’s OpenGL drawing, and your labels will go above your icons.

The XPLM guarantees that all plugin-created fill layers go on top of all native X-Plane fill layers, and all plugin-created markings layers go on top of all X-Plane markings layers (with the exception of the aircraft icons). It also guarantees that the draw order of your own plugin’s layers will be consistent. But, for layers created by different plugins, the only guarantee is that we will draw all of one plugin’s layers of each type (fill, then markings), then all of the others'; we don’t guarantee which plugin’s fill and markings layers go on top of the other’s.

As of X-Plane 11, maps use true cartographic projections for their drawing, and different maps may use different projections. For that reason, all drawing calls include an opaque handle for the projection you should use to do the drawing. Any time you would draw at a particular latitude/longitude, you’ll need to ask the projection to translate that position into “map coordinates.” (Note that the projection is guaranteed not to change between calls to your prepare-cache hook, so if you cache your map coordinates ahead of time, there’s no need to re-project them when you actually draw.)

In addition to mapping normal latitude/longitude locations into map coordinates, the projection APIs also let you know the current heading for north. (Since X-Plane 11 maps can rotate to match the heading of the user’s aircraft, it’s not safe to assume that north is at zero degrees rotation.)


When you create a new map layer (using XPLMCreateMapLayer), you can provide any or all of these callbacks. They allow you to insert your own OpenGL drawing, text labels, and icons into the X-Plane map at the appropriate places, allowing your layer to behave as similarly to X-Plane’s built-in layers as possible.


typedef void * XPLMMapLayerID;

This is an opaque handle for a plugin-created map layer. Pass it to the map drawing APIs from an appropriate callback to draw in the layer you created.


typedef void * XPLMMapProjectionID;

This is an opaque handle for a map projection. Pass it to the projection APIs to translate between map coordinates and latitude/longitudes.


Indicates the visual style being drawn by the map. In X-Plane, the user can choose between a number of map types, and different map types may have use a different visual representation for the same elements (for instance, the visual style of the terrain layer changes drastically between the VFR and IFR layers), or certain layers may be disabled entirely in some map types (e.g., localizers are only visible in the IFR low-enroute style).


typedef void (* XPLMMapDrawingCallback_f)(
                         XPLMMapLayerID       inLayer,
                         const float *        inMapBoundsLeftTopRightBottom,
                         float                zoomRatio,
                         float                mapUnitsPerUserInterfaceUnit,
                         XPLMMapStyle         mapStyle,
                         XPLMMapProjectionID  projection,
                         void *               inRefcon);

This is the OpenGL map drawing callback for plugin-created map layers. You can perform arbitrary OpenGL drawing from this callback, with one exception: changes to the Z-buffer are not permitted, and will result in map drawing errors.

All drawing done from within this callback appears beneath all built-in X-Plane icons and labels, but above the built-in “fill” layers (layers providing major details, like terrain and water). Note, however, that the relative ordering between the drawing callbacks of different plugins is not guaranteed.


typedef void (* XPLMMapIconDrawingCallback_f)(
                         XPLMMapLayerID       inLayer,
                         const float *        inMapBoundsLeftTopRightBottom,
                         float                zoomRatio,
                         float                mapUnitsPerUserInterfaceUnit,
                         XPLMMapStyle         mapStyle,
                         XPLMMapProjectionID  projection,
                         void *               inRefcon);

This is the icon drawing callback that enables plugin-created map layers to draw icons using X-Plane’s built-in icon drawing functionality. You can request an arbitrary number of PNG icons to be drawn via XPLMDrawMapIconFromSheet() from within this callback, but you may not perform any OpenGL drawing here.

Icons enqueued by this function will appear above all OpenGL drawing (performed by your optional XPLMMapDrawingCallback_f), and above all built-in X-Plane map icons of the same layer type (“fill” or “markings,” as determined by the XPLMMapLayerType in your XPLMCreateMapLayer_t). Note, however, that the relative ordering between the drawing callbacks of different plugins is not guaranteed.


typedef void (* XPLMMapLabelDrawingCallback_f)(
                         XPLMMapLayerID       inLayer,
                         const float *        inMapBoundsLeftTopRightBottom,
                         float                zoomRatio,
                         float                mapUnitsPerUserInterfaceUnit,
                         XPLMMapStyle         mapStyle,
                         XPLMMapProjectionID  projection,
                         void *               inRefcon);

This is the label drawing callback that enables plugin-created map layers to draw text labels using X-Plane’s built-in labeling functionality. You can request an arbitrary number of text labels to be drawn via XPLMDrawMapLabel() from within this callback, but you may not perform any OpenGL drawing here.

Labels enqueued by this function will appear above all OpenGL drawing (performed by your optional XPLMMapDrawingCallback_f), and above all built-in map icons and labels of the same layer type (“fill” or “markings,” as determined by the XPLMMapLayerType in your XPLMCreateMapLayer_t). Note, however, that the relative ordering between the drawing callbacks of different plugins is not guaranteed.


These are various “bookkeeping” callbacks that your map layer can receive (if you provide the callback in your XPLMCreateMapLayer_t). They allow you to manage the lifecycle of your layer, as well as cache any computationally-intensive preparation you might need for drawing.


typedef void (* XPLMMapPrepareCacheCallback_f)(
                         XPLMMapLayerID       inLayer,
                         const float *        inTotalMapBoundsLeftTopRightBottom,
                         XPLMMapProjectionID  projection,
                         void *               inRefcon);

A callback used to allow you to cache whatever information your layer needs to draw in the current map area.

This is called each time the map’s total bounds change. This is typically triggered by new DSFs being loaded, such that X-Plane discards old, now-distant DSFs and pulls in new ones. At that point, the available bounds of the map also change to match the new DSF area.

By caching just the information you need to draw in this area, your future draw calls can be made faster, since you’ll be able to simply “splat” your precomputed information each frame.

We guarantee that the map projection will not change between successive prepare cache calls, nor will any draw call give you bounds outside these total map bounds. So, if you cache the projected map coordinates of all the items you might want to draw in the total map area, you can be guaranteed that no draw call will be asked to do any new work.


typedef void (* XPLMMapWillBeDeletedCallback_f)(
                         XPLMMapLayerID       inLayer,
                         void *               inRefcon);

Called just before your map layer gets deleted. Because SDK-created map layers have the same lifetime as the X-Plane map that contains them, if the map gets unloaded from memory, your layer will too.


Enables the creation of new map layers. Layers are created for a particular instance of the X-Plane map. For instance, if you want your layer to appear in both the normal map interface and the Instructor Operator Station (IOS), you would need two separate calls to XPLMCreateMapLayer(), with two different values for your XPLMCreateMapLayer_t::layer_name.

Your layer’s lifetime will be determined by the lifetime of the map it is created in. If the map is destroyed (on the X-Plane side), your layer will be too, and you’ll receive a callback to your XPLMMapWillBeDeletedCallback_f.


Indicates the type of map layer you are creating. Fill layers will always be drawn beneath markings layers.

xplm_MapLayer_Fill"0" A layer that draws "fill" graphics, like weather patterns, terrain, etc. Fill layers frequently cover a large portion of the visible map area.
xplm_MapLayer_Markings"1" A layer that provides markings for particular map features, like NAVAIDs, airports, etc. Even dense markings layers cover a small portion of the total map area.



Globally unique identifier for X-Plane’s Map window, used as the mapToCreateLayerIn parameter in XPLMCreateMapLayer_t


#define XPLM_MAP_IOS         "XPLM_MAP_IOS"

Globally unique identifier for X-Plane’s Instructor Operator Station window, used as the mapToCreateLayerIn parameter in XPLMCreateMapLayer_t


This structure defines all of the parameters used to create a map layer using XPLMCreateMapLayer. The structure will be expanded in future SDK APIs to include more features. Always set the structSize member to the size of your struct in bytes!

Each layer must be associated with exactly one map instance in X-Plane. That map, and that map alone, will call your callbacks. Likewise, when that map is deleted, your layer will be as well.

typedef struct {
     // Used to inform XPLMCreateMapLayer() of the SDK version you compiled against; should always be set to sizeof(XPLMCreateMapLayer_t)
     int                       structSize;
     // Globally unique string identifying the map you want this layer to appear in. As of XPLM300, this is limited to one of XPLM_MAP_USER_INTERFACE or XPLM_MAP_IOS
     const char *              mapToCreateLayerIn;
     // The type of layer you are creating, used to determine draw order (all plugin-created markings layers are drawn above all plugin-created fill layers)
     XPLMMapLayerType          layerType;
     // Optional callback to inform you this layer is being deleted (due to its owning map being destroyed)
     XPLMMapWillBeDeletedCallback_f willBeDeletedCallback;
     // Optional callback you want to use to prepare your draw cache when the map bounds change (set to NULL if you don't want this callback)
     XPLMMapPrepareCacheCallback_f prepCacheCallback;
     // Optional callback you want to use for arbitrary OpenGL drawing, which goes beneath all icons in the map's layering system (set to NULL if you don't want this callback)
     XPLMMapDrawingCallback_f  drawCallback;
     // Optional callback you want to use for drawing icons, which go above all built-in X-Plane icons (except the aircraft) in the map's layering system (set to NULL if you don't want this callback)
     XPLMMapIconDrawingCallback_f iconCallback;
     // Optional callback you want to use for drawing map labels, which go above all built-in X-Plane icons and labels (except those of aircraft) in the map's layering system (set to NULL if you don't want this callback)
     XPLMMapLabelDrawingCallback_f labelCallback;
     // True if you want a checkbox to be created in the map UI to toggle this layer on and off; false if the layer should simply always be enabled
     int                       showUiToggle;
     // Short label to use for this layer in the user interface
     const char *              layerName;
     // A reference to arbitrary data that will be passed to your callbacks
     void *                    refcon;
} XPLMCreateMapLayer_t;


                         XPLMCreateMapLayer_t * inParams);

This routine creates a new map layer. You pass in an XPLMCreateMapLayer_t structure with all of the fields defined. You must set the structSize of the structure to the size of the actual structure you used.

Returns NULL if the layer creation failed. This happens most frequently because the map you specified in your XPLMCreateMapLayer_t::mapToCreateLayerIn field doesn’t exist (that is, if XPLMMapExists() returns 0 for the specified map). You can use XPLMRegisterMapCreationHook() to get a notification each time a new map is opened in X-Plane, at which time you can create layers in it.


XPLM_API int        XPLMDestroyMapLayer(
                         XPLMMapLayerID       inLayer);

Destroys a map layer you created (calling your XPLMMapWillBeDeletedCallback_f if applicable). Returns true if a deletion took place.


typedef void (* XPLMMapCreatedCallback_f)(
                         const char *         mapIdentifier,
                         void *               refcon);

A callback to notify your plugin that a new map has been created in X-Plane. This is the best time to add a custom map layer using XPLMCreateMapLayer().

No OpenGL drawing is permitted within this callback.


XPLM_API void       XPLMRegisterMapCreationHook(
                         XPLMMapCreatedCallback_f callback,
                         void *               refcon);

Registers your callback to receive a notification each time a new map is constructed in X-Plane. This callback is the best time to add your custom map layer using XPLMCreateMapLayer().

Note that you will not be notified about any maps that already exist—you can use XPLMMapExists() to check for maps that were created previously.


XPLM_API int        XPLMMapExists(
                         const char *         mapIdentifier);

Returns 1 if the map with the specified identifier already exists in X-Plane. In that case, you can safely call XPLMCreateMapLayer() specifying that your layer should be added to that map.


These APIs are only valid from within a map drawing callback (one of XPLMIconDrawingCallback_t or XPLMMapLabelDrawingCallback_f). Your drawing callbacks are registered when you create a new map layer as part of your XPLMCreateMapLayer_t. The functions here hook into X-Plane’s built-in map drawing functionality for icons and labels, so that you get a consistent style with the rest of the X-Plane map.

Note that the X-Plane 11 map introduces a strict ordering: layers of type xplm_MapLayer_Fill get drawn beneath all xplm_MapLayer_Markings layers. Likewise, all OpenGL drawing (performed in your layer’s XPLMMapDrawingCallback_f) will appear beneath any icons and labels you draw.


Indicates whether a map element should be match its rotation to the map itself, or to the user interface. For instance, the map itself may be rotated such that “up” matches the user’s aircraft, but you may want to draw a text label such that it is always rotated zero degrees relative to the user’s perspective. In that case, you would have it draw with UI orientation.

xplm_MapOrientation_Map"0" Orient such that a 0 degree rotation matches the map's north
xplm_MapOrientation_UI"1" Orient such that a 0 degree rotation is "up" relative to the user interface


XPLM_API void       XPLMDrawMapIconFromSheet(
                         XPLMMapLayerID       layer,
                         const char *         inPngPath,
                         int                  s,
                         int                  t,
                         int                  ds,
                         int                  dt,
                         float                mapX,
                         float                mapY,
                         XPLMMapOrientation   orientation,
                         float                rotationDegrees,
                         float                mapWidth);

Enables plugin-created map layers to draw PNG icons using X-Plane’s built-in icon drawing functionality. Only valid from within an XPLMIconDrawingCallback_t (but you can request an arbitrary number of icons to be drawn from within your callback).

X-Plane will automatically manage the memory for your texture so that it only has to be loaded from disk once as long as you continue drawing it per-frame. (When you stop drawing it, the memory may purged in a “garbage collection” pass, require a load from disk in the future.)

Instead of having X-Plane draw a full PNG, this method allows you to use UV coordinates to request a portion of the image to be drawn. This allows you to use a single texture load (of an icon sheet, for example) to draw many icons. Doing so is much more efficient than drawing a dozen different small PNGs.

The UV coordinates used here treat the texture you load as being comprised of a number of identically sized “cells”. You specify the width and height in cells (ds and dt, respectively), as well as the coordinates within the cell grid for the sub-image you’d like to draw.

Note that you can use different ds and dt values in subsequent calls with the same texture sheet. This enables you to use icons of different sizes in the same sheet if you arrange them properly in the PNG.

This function is only valid from within an XPLMIconDrawingCallback_t (but you can request an arbitrary number of icons to be drawn from within your callback).


XPLM_API void       XPLMDrawMapLabel(
                         XPLMMapLayerID       layer,
                         const char *         inText,
                         float                mapX,
                         float                mapY,
                         XPLMMapOrientation   orientation,
                         float                rotationDegrees);

Enables plugin-created map layers to draw text labels using X-Plane’s built-in labeling functionality. Only valid from within an XPLMMapLabelDrawingCallback_f (but you can request an arbitrary number of text labels to be drawn from within your callback).


As of X-Plane 11, the map draws using true cartographic projections, and different maps may use different projections. Thus, to draw at a particular latitude and longitude, you must first transform your real-world coordinates into map coordinates.

The map projection is also responsible for giving you the current scale of the map. That is, the projection can tell you how many map units correspond to 1 meter at a given point.

Finally, the map projection can give you the current rotation of the map. Since X-Plane 11 maps can rotate to match the heading of the aircraft, the map’s rotation can potentially change every frame.


XPLM_API void       XPLMMapProject(
                         XPLMMapProjectionID  projection,
                         double               latitude,
                         double               longitude,
                         float *              outX,
                         float *              outY);

Projects a latitude/longitude into map coordinates. This is the inverse of XPLMMapUnproject().

Only valid from within a map layer callback (one of XPLMMapPrepareCacheCallback_f, XPLMMapDrawingCallback_f, XPLMMapIconDrawingCallback_f, or XPLMMapLabelDrawingCallback_f.)


XPLM_API void       XPLMMapUnproject(
                         XPLMMapProjectionID  projection,
                         float                mapX,
                         float                mapY,
                         double *             outLatitude,
                         double *             outLongitude);

Transforms map coordinates back into a latitude and longitude. This is the inverse of XPLMMapProject().

Only valid from within a map layer callback (one of XPLMMapPrepareCacheCallback_f, XPLMMapDrawingCallback_f, XPLMMapIconDrawingCallback_f, or XPLMMapLabelDrawingCallback_f.)


XPLM_API float      XPLMMapScaleMeter(
                         XPLMMapProjectionID  projection,
                         float                mapX,
                         float                mapY);

Returns the number of map units that correspond to a distance of one meter at a given set of map coordinates.

Only valid from within a map layer callback (one of XPLMMapPrepareCacheCallback_f, XPLMMapDrawingCallback_f, XPLMMapIconDrawingCallback_f, or XPLMMapLabelDrawingCallback_f.)


XPLM_API float      XPLMMapGetNorthHeading(
                         XPLMMapProjectionID  projection,
                         float                mapX,
                         float                mapY);

Returns the heading (in degrees clockwise) from the positive Y axis in the cartesian mapping coordinate system to true north at the point passed in. You can use it as a clockwise rotational offset to align icons and other 2-d drawing with true north on the map, compensating for rotations in the map due to projection.

Only valid from within a map layer callback (one of XPLMMapPrepareCacheCallback_f, XPLMMapDrawingCallback_f, XPLMMapIconDrawingCallback_f, or XPLMMapLabelDrawingCallback_f.)