Tag: hardware

To Tune Framerate, You Have To Hit Rock Bottom

I have blogged about this before, but I keep seeing this issue come up in the forums, so I want to go over it again. If you want to effectively tune X-Plane to trade off maximum visual quality with desired framerate, you must first reduce your rendering settings all the way to the bottom, then work your way up. Let me explain with an analogy.

I have fallen off my motorcycle and hit my head, skinned my knee, and broken my arm; the bone is sticking right out of my skin! Ouch! So I go to the hospital and the Doctor examines me. Here is how the conversation goes:

Dr: How does your arm feel?
Me: My arm hurts so much! OUCH!
Dr: And how does your leg feel?
Me: My arm is burning and stinging! Please make it stop!
Dr: Do you feel dizzy or light headed?
Me: Please fix my arm!!!!!!!!

Clearly with a bone sticking through my skin, there is no point in doing a physical examination. My arm hurts so much that I can’t tell the Doctor whether I have any other aches or pain. I feel one thing: the arm.

What does this have to do with framerate? Well, framerate is just like pain. The low framerate you see is caused by only the one worst problem with your setup. If your graphics card is a little bit overloaded, you are a hair short on VRAM, and your CPU is absolutely being killed, then the low framerate you see is totally because of the CPU. The weakest link decides your framerate. And like the Doctor, if we go trying to deal with the VRAM problem, we will see no change because it’s the CPU that hurts the most.

This is what I see over and over: a user is running X-Plane, his framerate is bad, and he has turned some but not all of the settings down. At this point the user is usually pretty grumpy – his visuals now look bad and his framerate is poor.

The problem is that the user hasn’t turned down the setting that really matters. This is why the first thing you need to do in order to tune framerate is to turn everything down, so that you are running with framerate at least as high as what you want for your target value. Then you can turn settings up one at a time and watch which one lowers framerate.

(Don’t worry, you’re not going to stay at the lowest settings. The key is just to always be turning settings up, not down.)

Here are some of the settings I see that need to be turned down but often are not.

  • Full screen anti-aliasing. (FSAA) Always turn FSAA down to none. FSAA will kill fps on any graphics card that is fill rate limited.
  • Pixel shader effects – every one of these should be turned off to start. And when you do start them, try them one at a time and have the water reflections off – work your way up in small steps. The gap from shaders without volumetric fog, shadows, reflections and per pixel lighting to shaders with all of these effects is huge!
  • Turn objects all the way down to default, or even off. If your CPU is the problem, objects could be a factor.
  • Leave texture compression on in your “rock bottom” settings. Texture compression improves fps and lowers visual quality, so having the check box be on is the minimal setting.
  • Don’t run at a huge screen res or FOV. Run 1024×768 and 50 degrees FOV.

What happens if you turn everything down and you still see 19 fps? Now it’s time to investigate your video drivers and control panel settings. If your setup is even remotely better than minimum hardware, it should scream when all of those settings are turned down. If you still see low fps, check drivers, check control panel settings. There are a lot of control panel settings, for example, that will completely kill framerate.

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Developer Hardware

So…just how awesome is my main development machine? Not that awesome.

Periodically users ask me what my setup is. Usually the user wants to set up a really nice machine to run X-Plane at its best and figures “let’s find out what the guys who write X-Plane have.”

But … my main development machine is definitely not selected to be the best possible X-Plane machine. I put together a system to:

  • Debug X-Plane productively.
  • Test all aspects of X-Plane.
  • Create the global scenery as fast as possible.

In practice this means a Mac Pro with 8 cores, 12 GB of RAM, a lot of hard drive, and not particularly fast CPUs. It’s a machine that can churn out 8 DSFs at once. There’s no need for me to keep upgrading the CPU type itself – it’s the 8 way parallelism that makes DSF creation fast. (To Apple’s credit, the IO in the machine is fast enough to keep all 8 cores busy!)

Being an Intel Mac, the machine is triple-bootable into Vista (someone in the company has to have it) and Ubuntu Linux.

Right now I have a Radeon 4870 in the machine and an 8800 on my shelf. I do recommend the 4870 to Mac users – it’s a very nice card. But for my purposes it has one annoying problem: it takes up the space for the second graphics card slot and both power connectors…I may go back to a lower powered card so I can have one NV and one ATI card in the machine at the same time – a great configuration for debugging. (I do not recommend that any user ever mix graphics card brands…”don’t try this at home”, etc.)

Maxing out X-Plane isn’t on the priority list. In particular, past these goals, the faster the machine, the less likely I am to notice a problem.

An example: during 930 development, for some period of time, we had accidentally set the code to allocate an extra 1 GB of RAM at startup. Oops! The embarrassing part: neither Austin and I noticed for weeks. Both of our machines have plenty of RAM, and OS X has a decent VM system, so we just ran, using a lot of memory.

Then one day I try to start X-Plane on my laptop and the whole machine nearly catches on fire. Sure enough…an extra 1 GB of RAM is being grabbed.

The moral of the story: I’d rather not have a machine that hides things from me, if it doesn’t affect productivity.

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NVidia Isn’t Making Faster Humans

It’s been a tough year for X-Plane authors. Key framing, manipulators, global lighting, baked lighting control, generic instruments, normal maps…version 9 has extended the possibilities for airplanes in a huge way. This is great for X-Plane users, and great for any author who wants to push the envelope, but there is a flip side: the time investment to make a “cutting edge” X-Plane aircraft has gone way, way up.

Here’s the problem: as hardware has been getting faster, the amount of data (in the form of detailed airplane models) needed to keep the hardware running at max has gone up. But the process of modeling an airplane hasn’t gotten any more efficient; all of that 3-d detail simply needs to be drawn, UV mapped and textured. Simply put, NVidia and ATI are making faster GPUs but not faster humans.

That’s why I was so excited about order independent transparency. This is a case where new graphics hardware and nicer looking hardware means less authoring work, not more. (The misery of trying to carefully manage ordered one sided geometry will simply be replaced by enabling the effect.)

My Daddy Can Beat Up Your Daddy

Cameron was on FSBreak last week last week discussing the new CRJ…the discussion touched on a question that gets kicked around the forums a lot these days: which allows authors to more realistically simulate a particular airplane…X-Plane 9 or FSX.

This debate is, to be blunt, completely moot. Both FS X and X-Plane contain powerful enough add-on systems that an author can do pretty much anything desired, including replacing the entire host simulation engine. At that point, the question is not “which can do more” because both can do more than any group of humans will ever produce. As Cameron observed, we’ve reached a point where the simulator doesn’t hold the author back, at least when it comes to systems modeling.

(It might be reasonable to ask: which simulator makes it easier to simulate a given aircraft, but given the tendency to replace the simulator’s built-in systems on both platforms, it appears the state of the art has gone significantly past built-in sim capabilities.)

Graphic Leverage

When it comes to systems modeling, the ability to put custom code into X-Plane or FS X allows authors to go significantly beyond the scope of the original sim. When it comes to graphics, however, authors on both platforms are constrained to what the sim’s native rendering engine can actually draw.

So if there’s a challenge to flight simulation next year, I think it is this: for next-generation flight simulators to act as amplifiers for the art content that humans build, rather than as engines that consume it as fuel. The simulator features that get our attention next year can’t just be the ability for an author to create something very nice (we’re already there), rather it needs to be the ability to make what authors make look even better.

(This doesn’t mean that I think that the platforms for building third party “stuff” are complete. Rather, I think it means that we have to carefully consider the amount of input labor it takes to get an output effect.)

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NVidia: 3 Ben: 0

This is getting embarrassing – I’m at risk of getting shut out. I was able to fix the “Null texture, how” error users were seeing on NVidia hardware.

It turns out it was an uninitialized variable in code that was never used until NV changed their drivers. As far as I can tell, NV dropped support for FSAA in 16-bit mode a few months ago, at least on some of their newer GPUs. (It is also possible that the incantation necessary to get FSAA has changed a lot and I simply don’t know what it is.)

So the dialog between X-Plane and the video card ran something like the Monty Python cheese shop sketch:

X-Plane: So … can you do full screen anti-aliasing?
GeForce 8: Oh yes, of course! (Please, I’m a GeForce 8 card.)
X-Plane: Splendid! So…how about 16x FSAA?
GeForce 8: Sorry, can’t I can’t do that.
X-Plane: Ah. How about 8x FSAA?
GeForce 8: Sorry, can’t do that either.
X-Plane: I see. Well then, how about 4x FSAA?
GeForce 8: Nope.
X-Plane: 2x FSAA?
GeForce 8: No way.
X-Plane: Ah. I see.

At this point in the dialog X-Plane would promptly lose track of what it had been doing in the setup process, throw out its notes on the GPU setup, and then freakout a bit later when it realized its note taking left something to be desired.

This is the first case I’ve hit where a video card advertises FSAA and can’t actually do it.

Anyway, if you have hit this bug:

  1. Update to 941 final – it should fix it.

  2. Stop trying to run with FSAA and 16-bit color. This is a somewhat crazy combination. FSAA attempts to clean up rendering artifacts at the cost of fill rate. 16-bit color creates artifacts to save fill rate. If your GPU needs 16-bit color to run at high framerate, it’s time to turn FSAA off.

(I realize that 16-bit color and aliasing are different kinds of artifacts, and some users might prefer harsh color transitions to harsh polygon transitions. But I still say, go for 32-bit color, no FSAA. When the sim is running in 16-bit mode, a good chunk of the sim still runs in 32-bit mode because 16-bit RGB surfaces only have 1 bit of alpha.* So you’re not quite getting universal savings but you get 16-bit output colors, so the results look universally bad.)

*This assumes 5551, or 565 pixels. There is a 4-bit alpha 16-bit color format, cleverly called 4444, but if you thought 16-bit looks bad…

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Is Your Video Card “Two Steps Down”

Identifying an underpowered video card is difficult. Video cards have simple, non-confusing names like the CryoTek GeForce FX 9999 XYZ. What the heck does all that stuff mean?

(The lists below will contain a number of “specs”. Do not panic! At the end I will show you where to look this stuff up on Wikipedia.)

A modern graphics card is basically a computer on a board, and such, it has the following components that you might care about for performance:

  • VRAM. This is one of the simplest ones to understand. VRAM is the RAM on the graphics card itself. VRAM affects performance in a fairly binary way – either you have enough or your framerate goes way down. You can always get by with less by turning texture resolution down, but of course then X-Plane looks a lot worse.

    How much VRAM do you need? It depends on how many add-ons you use. I’d get at least 256 MB – VRAM has become fairly cheap. You might want a lot more if you use a lot of add-ons with detailed textures. But don’t expect adding more VRAM to improve framerate – you’re just avoiding a shortage-induced fog-fest here.

  • Graphics Bus. The GPU is connected to your computer by the graphics bus, and if that connection isn’t fast enough, it slows everything down. But this isn’t really a huge factor in picking a GPU, because your graphics bus is part of your motherboard . You need to buy a GPU that matches your motherboard, and the GPU will slow down if it has to.

  • Memory Bus. This is one that gets overlooked – a GPU is connected to its own internal memory (VRAM) by a memory bus, and that memory bus controls how fast the GPU can really go. If the GPU can’t suck data from VRAM fast enough, you’ll have a slow-down.

    Evaluating the quality of the internal memory bus of a graphics card is beyond what I can provide as “buying advice”. Fortunately, the speed of the bus is usually paired with the speed of the GPU itself. That is, you don’t usually need to worry that the GPU was really fast but its bus was too slow. So what we need to do is pick a GPU, and the bus that comes with it should be decent.

  • Of course the GPU sits on the graphics card. The GPU is the “CPU” of the graphics card, and is a complex enough subject to start a new bullet list. (As if I wouldn’t start a new bullet list just because I can.)

So to summarize, you want to look at how much VRAM your card has and make sure the bus interface matches your motherboard. What about the GPU? There are three things to pay attention to on a GPU:

  • Generation. Each generation of GPUs is superior to the previous generation. Usually the GPUs can create new effects, and often they can create old effects more cheaply.

    The generation is usually specified in the leading number, E.g. a GeForce 7xxx is from the GeForce 7 series, and the GeForce 8xxx is from the GeForce 8 series. You almost never want to buy a last-generation GPU if you can get a current generation GPU for similar price.

  • Clock Speed. A GPU has an internal clock, and faster is better. The benefit of clock speed is linear – that is, if you have the same GPU at 450 mhz and 600 mhz, the 600 mhz one will provide about 33% more throughput , usually.

    Most of the time, the clock speed differences are represented by that ridiculous alphabet soup of letters at the end of the card. So for example, the difference between A GeForce 7900 GT and a GeForce 7900 GTO is clock speed – the GT runs at 450 mhz and the GTO at 650 mhz.*

  • Core Configuration. This is where things get tricky. For any given generation, the different card models will have some of their pixel shaders removed. This is called “core configuration”. Basically GPUs are fast because they have more than one of all of the parts they need to draw (pixel shaders, etc.) and in computer graphics, many hands make light work. The core configuration is a measure of just how many hands your graphics card has.

    Core configuration usually varies with the model number, e.g. an 8800 has 96-128 shaders, whereas an 8600 has 32 shaders, and an 8500 has 16 shaders. In some cases the suffix matters too.

How would you ever know your core configuration, clock speed, etc.? Fortunately Wikipedia is the source of all knowledge. Here are the tables for NVidia and ATI.

Important: You cannot compare clock speed or core configuration between different generations of GPU or different vendors! A 16-shader 400 mhz GeForce 6 series is not the same as a 16-shader 400 mhz GeForce 7 series card. The GPU designers make serious changes to the card capabilities between generations, so the stats don’t apply.

You can see this in the core configuration column – the number of different parts they measure changes! For example, starting with the GeForce 8, NVidia gave up on vertex shaders entirely and started building “unified shaders”. Apples to oranges…

Don’t Be Two Steps Down

This is my rule of thumb for buying a graphics card: don’t be two steps down. Here’s what I mean:

The most expensive, fanciest cards for a given generation will have the most shaders in their core config, and represent the fastest that generation of GPU will ever be. The lower models then have significantly less shaders.

Behind the scenes, what happens (more or less) is: NVidia and ATI test all of their chips. If all 128 shaders on a GeForce 8 GPU work, the GPU is labeled “GeForce 8800” and you pay top dollar. But what if there are defects and only some of the shaders work? No problem. NV disables the broken shaders – in fact, they disable so many shaders that you only have 32 and a “GeForce 8600” is born.

Believe me: this is a good thing. This is a huge improvement over the old days when low-end GPUs were totally separate designs and couldn’t even run the same effects. (Anyone remember the GeForce 4 Ti and Mx?) Having “partial yield” on a chip set is a normal part of microchip design; being able to recycle partially effective chips means NV and ATI can sell more of the chips they create, and thus it brings the cost of goods down. We wouldn’t be able to get a low end card so cheaply if they couldn’t reuse the high-end parts.

But here’s the rub: some of these low end cards are not meant for X-Plane users, and if you end up with one, your framerate will suffer. Many hands make light work when rendering a frame. I you have too few shaders, it’s not enough hands, drawing takes forever, your framerate suffers.

For a long time the X-Plane community was insulated from this, because X-Plane didn’t push a lot of work to the GPU. But this has changed over the version 9 run – some of those options, like reflective water, per-pixel lighting, etc. start to finally put some work on the GPU, hitting framerate. If you have a GeForce 8300 GS, you do not have a good graphics card. But you might not have realized it until you had the rendering options to really test it out.

So, “two steps down”. My buying advice is: do not buy a card where the core configuration has been cut down more than once. In the GeForce 8 series, you’ll see the 8800 with 96-128 shaders, then the first “cut” is the 8600 with 32 shaders, and then the 8500 brings us down to 16.

A GeForce 8800 was a good card. The 8600 was decent for the money. But the 8500 is simply underpowered.

When you look at prices, I think you’ll find the cost savings to be “two steps down” is not a lot of money. But the performance hit can be quite significant. Remember, the lowest end cards are being targeted at users who will check their email, watch some web videos, and that’s about it. The cards are powerful enough to run the operating sytem’s window manager effects
, but they’re not meant to run a flight simulator with all of the options turned on.

If you do have a “two step” card, the following things can help reduce GPU load:

  • Turn down or off full screen anti-aliasing.
  • Turn off per pixel lighting, or even turn off shaders entirely.
  • Reduce screen size.

* GT = Good Times, GTO = Good Times Overclocked? Only NVidia knows for sure…

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Why Isn’t SLI/CrossFire A No-Brainer?

To get this out: I have no idea if/whether/how much SLI or Crossfire improve or hinder X-Plane’s framerate. None of my development systems have such hardware, and I spend no time either optimizing for SLI/CrossFire or testing. If you have done tests with SLI enabled and disabled, I would like to know the results!

I have read the white papers on how to optimize an application for SLI/CrossFire, and while X-Plane isn’t quite a laundry of SLI/CrossFire sins, we’re definitely an application that has the potential for optimization.

Now normally more hardware = faster framerate. In particular, the limiting factor of filling in a big display with high shader options and full screen anti-aliasing can be the time it takes to fill in pixels, and more shaders mean more pixels filled in at once.* Why doesn’t having an entire second GPU to fill in pixels allow us to go twice as fast?

The answer is: coordination. Normally the process of drawing an X-Plane frame goes a little bit like this:

  1. Draw a little bit more of the cloud shadows into the cloud shadow texture. (This is a gradual process.)
  2. Draw the panel into the panel texture.
  3. Draw the world (as seen from below the water) into the water reflection texture.
  4. Draw the airplane shadow into the airplane shadow texture.
  5. Draw the entire world using the above four textures.

Notice a trend? Those four textures are dynamic textures, meaning they are created by the viedo card drawing into its own texture, once per frame. Dynamic textures are generally a good thing, because they let us create texture content much more rapidly than we could with the CPU. (There is no way we could prepare the panel texture once per frame if we had to do it on the CPU.)

In fact, the total dynamic textures can be more so – if you use panel regions, there are 2 panel textures per region, and if you use volumetric fog, there are two more textures with interim renderings of the world, used to create fog effects.

Okay, so we have a lot of textures we drew. What does that have to do with multiple video cards?

Well, one reason why dynamic textures are normally fast is because, when a dynamic texture is finished, it lives exactly where we want it to live: on the video card!

But…what if there are two video cards? Uh oh. Now maybe one video card drew the water, and another drew the clouds. We have to copy those textures to every video card that will help draw the final frame.

There is a sequence to draw the right textures on the right card at the right time to make X-Plane run faster with two video cards…but the video drivers that manage SLI or CrossFire may have no way to know what that sequence is. The driver has to make some guesses, and if it puts the wrong textures in the wrong places, framerate may be slower, due to the overhead of shuffling textures around.

So SLI and CrossFire are not simple, no-brainer ways to get more framerate, the way having a faster GPU might be.

* If you have a huge number of objects, your framerate is suffering due to the CPU being overloaded, and this is all entirely moot!

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Have You Hugged Your Driver Writer Lately?

In my contact with users, on X-Plane forums, in discussions of computer graphics, video drivers are an easy punching bad. When an app doesn’t work, blame the video driver. The guys at NV and ATI don’t have time to respond to every ridiculous allegation that is posted. Sometimes drivers are borked, but when it turns out to be X-Plane I try to set the record straight.

Driver writers have what might be the hardest combination of programming circumstances:

  1. Their code cannot crash or barf. X-Plane crashes, you send me some hate email. Your video driver crashes, you can’t see to send me that email.
  2. The driver has to be fast . The whole point of buyng that new GeForce 600000 GTX TurboPower with HyperCache was faster framerates. If the driver isn’t absolutely optimized for speed, that hardware can’t do its thing.
  3. The driver writers don’t have a lot of time to be fast and correct – the GeForce 700000 GTX TurboPower II will HyperCache Pro will be out 18 months from now, and they’ll have to start all over again.

That’s not an easy set of goals to meet. Today’s video cards are basically computers on a PCIe board, and they do amazing things, but they do it thanks to a fairly complex piece of software.

Applications writers like myself get to outsource the lower level aspects of our rendering engine to driver writers. When a driver doesn’t work right, it’s frustrating, but when a driver does work right, it’s doing some amazing things.

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A Rant On Control Panels

NVidia and ATI provide control panels for Windows and Linux. These control panels let users configure aspects of 3-d acceleration, often in ways that bypass an application’s request. This post is a rant about such control panels, but in order to understand the rant, you must understand how X-Plane communicates with a video card.

Stranger In A Strange Land

X-Plane is an OpenGL application. OpenGL (the “open graphics language”) is a “language” by which X-Plane can tell any OpenGL graphics card that it wants to draw some triangles.

Think of X-Plane as an American tourist in a far away land. X-Plane doesn’t speak the native language of ATI-land or NVidia-Land. But if the hotel says “we speak OpenGL”, then we can come visit and ask for a nice room and a good meal.

Of course, if you have ever been an American tourist (or live in a country that is sometimes infested with American tourists 🙂 you know that sometimes American tourists who speak only English do not get to see the very best a country has to offer. Without local knowledge, the tourist can only make generic requests and hope the results turn out okay.

An example of where this becomes a problem is full-screen anti-aliasing (FSAA). OpenGL allows an application to ask for anti-aliasing. The only parameter an OpenGL application can ask for is: how much? 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x. But as it turns out FSAA is a lot more complicated. Do we want super sampling or multisampling? Coversage Sample Anti-Aliasing? Do we want a 2-tap or 5-tap filter? Do we want temporal anti-aliasing?

As it turns out, NVidia-land is a very strange country, with many flavors of FSAA. Some are very fast and some are quite slow. And when X-Plane comes in and says “we would like 16x” FSAA, there is really no guarantee that we will get fast FSAA (for example, 16x CSAA) or something much slower (like 16x super-sampling). X-Plane is not native to NVidia-land and cannot ask the right questions.

Control Panels

So where do the control panels come in? Well, if X-Plane can only ask for “16x FSAA”, how can NVidia give users control of the many options the card can do? The answer is: control panels. The NVidia control panel is made by NVidia – it is native to NVidia-land and knows all of the local tricks: this card has high-speed 5-tap filtering, this card does CSAA, etc.

At this point I will pass on a tip from an X-Plane user: you may be able to get significantly faster FSAA performance with an NVidia card on Windows by picking FSAA in the control panel rather than using X-Plane’s settings. This is because (for some reason) X-Plane’s generic OpenGL request is translated into about the slowest FSAA you can find. With the control panel you can pick something faster.

Bear in mind that only some users report this phenomenon. My NVidia card works fine even with X-Plane setting FSAA. So you may have to experiment a bit.

It Gets Weirder

When it comes to full-screen anti-aliasing, I can see why NVidia wants to expose all of their options, rather than have X-Plane simply pick one. Still, which do you think is best for X-Plane:

  • Multisampling
  • Supersampling
  • Coverage Sample Anti-Aliasing
  • Some Mix of the Above?

Antialiasing has become very complex, and some of these modes will absolutely wreck your framerates.

And FSAA is one of the better understood options. How about these:

  • Adjust LOD Bias
  • Anisotropic Filtering
  • Anisotropic Filtering Optimization

(I know what these do, and you shouldn’t be messing with them.)

How about these?

  • CPU Multi Core Support
  • Multi-Display/Mixed GPU Acceleration

I haven’t found any description of what those do, but I have reports from users that setting them to the “wrong” value (whatever that is) absolutely destroys framerates.

Suffice it to say, as an applications developer, the situation is a support nightmare. Users can modify a series of settings at home that we cannot easily see, that are poorly documented, that cause performance to be very different from what we see in our labs, sometimes for the worse, sometimes for the better.

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The Legacy of the R300

You know it as the Radeon 9700 (and its later cheaper 9600XT, as well as the X300, X500 and X600). The R300 was a definite victory for ATI – when it came out it was vastly superior to the NVidia GeForce FX series, and for a video card it held up pretty well.

From my perspective as an application’s developer, however, the R300 has some fine print that makes it difficult to deal with:

  • It features only 24-bit floating point precision (as opposed to 32-bit precision in all other shader-enabled hardware from ATI or NV). This is why the reflective water looks square and pixelated up close on these cards.
  • It has a 96 instruction limit per shader (as opposed to the 1024 instruction or larger limit in all other shader-enabled hardware from ATI or NV.) X-Plane 9’s current water shader is right on the bleeding edge of exceeding this limit. In fact, the water pattern is simplified for this set of GPUs to stay within the 96 instruction limit.
  • Since the cards were really quite decent for their time, they are still in field and in use.

(This is a different problem from the Geforce FX/5 series…those GPUs were fully capable of running advanced shaders, they just couldn’t do it quickly. In practice this is better for an application’s developer, because users are more likely to replace a slow GeForce FX than a capable but internally limited 9700.)

This shows up in X-Plane as a pile of special cases…X-Plane 9 productizes 2.5 renderers:

  • A no shader renderer for old GPUs and buggy drivers.
  • A shader-based renderer for modern hardware.
  • A special-case on the shader based GPU to meet the limits of the R300.

I’m not sure what we will do about this in the future. But as I go through the shader code, this special casing sticks out. We don’t usually special case X-Plane for a particular set of hardware, but in the case of the R300, it was for a while so widespread that it made sense to special-case for its limitations.

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DirectX, OpenGL and X-Plane

I commented about this once a long time ago, but with DirectX 11 cards coming to market, I think some clarification may be in order. What exactly is the relationship between DirectX, OpenGL, your graphics card, and X-Plane?

OpenGL and DirectX

OpenGL and DirectX (well, technically the Direct3D part of DirectX) are both:

  • Specifications for how an application requests that graphics be drawn.
  • Specification for what will be drawn by a library or video card when those requests are made.

(Okay that’s a gross simplification, but it will work for now.)

But DirectX is also something else: it specifies what the hardware must do. That’s different from OpenGL. You can have an OpenGL compliant renderer that uses the CPU for everything difficult. It will be slow, but correct.

Extensions and Versions

Both DirectX and OpenGL have version increases, and the new version increase specifies new functionality. But OpenGL also has extensions. While normally new features come in a new spec verison, OpenGL’s extensions allow OpenGL implementations to pick up new functionality “a la carte”. OpenGL implementers can pick and choose what they add.

When Features Show Up

The trend in game GPUs has been for new features to show up in the DirectX spec first, then become available in OpenGL via an extension, and then make it into a future core OpenGL version. For example, most DirectX 10 features were available once DX10 hardware was released, in the form of extensions.

Sometimes the features flow in the opposite direction. For example, ATI’s tessellation technology may make it into the DirectX 11 spec, but is already available as an OpenGL extension.

How This Affects X-Plane

To be blunt, X-Plane is not an early adopter of GPU tech. We are a small company so we have to prioritize our feature work carefully, and there’s strong motivation to prioritize a feature that helps all users over a feature that helps only users with certain hardware.

So by the time we code a hardware dependent feature, the feature is usually available in OpenGL…I can’t think of any cases where not using DirectX has held us up.

For performance, DirectX vs. OpenGL doesn’t really matter – both provide access to the “fast path” of the harware – this is the code path where the GPU runs its fastest. At that point, it’s a question of hardware, not OpenGL vs. DirectX.

So X-Plane uses OpenGL, but both are fine for rendering engine development (unless you need to be cross-platform), and both provide reasonable access to video card features for X-Plane.

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