// Instructions Widget

	PullDown Menu Creates Widget Window to Disply Plugin Instructions or Notes.
	This example shows how to use a pulldown menu to create a widget window to display a list of instructions or notes.  
	The widget window is distroyed by clicking a close box.   There are several other widget window features that
	can be explored;  please see the SDK documentation.  
	This content added by Blue Side Up Bob.  

// #define XPLM200 = 1;  This example does not require SDK2.0.

#include "XPLMUtilities.h"
#include "XPLMProcessing.h"
#include "XPLMDataAccess.h"
#include "XPLMMenus.h"
#include "XPWidgets.h"
#include "XPStandardWidgets.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int gMenuItem;

char InstructionsText[50][200] = {  
"   1. Text line one.",   
"   2. Text.",
"   3. Text.",  
"   4. Text.",  
"   5. Text.", 
"   6. Text.",  


XPWidgetID	InstructionsWidget = NULL; 
XPWidgetID	InstructionsWindow = NULL;
XPWidgetID	InstructionsTextWidget[50] = {NULL};

void InstructionsMenuHandler(void *, void *);
void CreateInstructionsWidget(int x1, int y1, int w, int h);
int InstructionsHandler(XPWidgetMessage  inMessage, XPWidgetID  inWidget, long  inParam1, long  inParam2);

PLUGIN_API int XPluginStart(
						char *		outName,
						char *		outSig,
						char *		outDesc)
	XPLMMenuID	PluginMenu;
	int			PluginSubMenuItem;

	strcpy(outName, "Instructions");
	strcpy(outSig, "BlueSideUpBob.Example.Instructions");
	strcpy(outDesc, "A plugin to display an Instruction Text window from the pull down menu.");

// Create our menu
	PluginSubMenuItem = XPLMAppendMenuItem(XPLMFindPluginsMenu(), "Instructions Plugin", NULL, 1);
	PluginMenu = XPLMCreateMenu("Instructions Plugin", XPLMFindPluginsMenu(), PluginSubMenuItem, InstructionsMenuHandler, NULL);
	XPLMAppendMenuItem(PluginMenu, "Instructions", (void *) +1, 1);

// Flag to tell us if the widget is being displayed.
	gMenuItem = 0;
	return 1;

PLUGIN_API void	XPluginStop(void)

	if (gMenuItem == 1)
		XPDestroyWidget(InstructionsWidget, 1);
		gMenuItem = 0;

PLUGIN_API int XPluginEnable(void)
	return 1;

PLUGIN_API void XPluginDisable(void)

PLUGIN_API void XPluginReceiveMessage(XPLMPluginID inFrom, long inMsg, void * inParam)

void InstructionsMenuHandler(void * inMenuRef, void * inItemRef)
	switch ( (int) inItemRef)
		case 1:	if (gMenuItem == 0)
					CreateInstructionsWidget(50, 712, 974, 662);	//left, top, right, bottom.
					gMenuItem = 1;

// This will create our widget dialog.
void CreateInstructionsWidget(int x, int y, int w, int h)
int Index;

	int x2 = x + w;
	int y2 = y - h;
// Create the Main Widget window.
	InstructionsWidget = XPCreateWidget(x, y, x2, y2,
					1,										// Visible
					"INSTRUCTIONS     Blue Side Up Bob",	// desc
					1,										// root
					NULL,									// no container

// Add Close Box to the Main Widget.  Other options are available.  See the SDK Documentation.  
	XPSetWidgetProperty(InstructionsWidget, xpProperty_MainWindowHasCloseBoxes, 1);

// Print each line of instructions.
	for (Index=0; Index < 50; Index++)
	if(strcmp(InstructionsText[Index],"end") == 0) {break;}

		// Create a text widget
		InstructionsTextWidget[Index] = XPCreateWidget(x+10, y-(30+(Index*20)) , x2-10, y-(42+(Index*20)),
		1,	// Visible
		InstructionsText[Index],// desc
		0,		// root
// Register our widget handler
	XPAddWidgetCallback(InstructionsWidget, InstructionsHandler);

// This is our widget handler.  In this example we are only interested when the close box is pressed.
int	InstructionsHandler(XPWidgetMessage  inMessage, XPWidgetID  inWidget, long  inParam1, long  inParam2)
	if (inMessage == xpMessage_CloseButtonPushed)
		if (gMenuItem == 1)
		return 1;

	return 0;

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