// Custom Commands
 // Custom Commands Control Custom DataRef
 // This example program creates a custom integer dataref, BSUB/CounterDataRef, and two custom 
 // commands, BSUB/CounterUpCommand and BSUB/CounterDownCommand.  The custom commands 
 // are used to increment and decriment the custom dataref.  The custom dataref can be used to drive an 
 // generic instrument display, animation, etc.  
 // After successfully creating your plugin you will need to use PlaneMaker to create two generic 
 // triggers, keyed to your custom commands on your aircraft panel.  You will also need to place a generic 
 // counter such as an LED display on your aircraft panel.  
 // Content added by BlueSideUpBob.
#ifndef XPLM200
  #error This example requires the v2.0 SDK or newer
 #include "XPLMPlugin.h"
 #include "XPLMDisplay.h"
 #include "XPLMGraphics.h"
 #include "XPLMProcessing.h"
 #include "XPLMDataAccess.h"
 #include "XPLMMenus.h"
 #include "XPLMUtilities.h"
 #include "XPWidgets.h"
 #include "XPStandardWidgets.h"
 #include "XPLMScenery.h"
 #include <string.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 XPLMDataRef gCounterDataRef = NULL;          //  Our custom dataref
 int     gCounterValue;                       //  Our custom dataref's value  
 int     GetCounterDataRefCB(void* inRefcon);
 void    SetCounterDataRefCB(void* inRefcon, int outValue);
 XPLMCommandRef CounterUpCommand = NULL;	//  Our two custom commands
 XPLMCommandRef CounterDownCommand = NULL;
 int    CounterUpCommandHandler(XPLMCommandRef       inCommand,          //  Our two custom command handlers
                                XPLMCommandPhase     inPhase,
                                void *               inRefcon);
 int    CounterDownCommandHandler(XPLMCommandRef     inCommand,
                                 XPLMCommandPhase    inPhase,
                                 void *              inRefcon);
 PLUGIN_API int XPluginStart(
         char *        outName,
         char *        outSig,
         char *        outDesc)
 // Plugin Info
     strcpy(outName, "CustomCommandsAndDataRefs");
     strcpy(outSig, "BlueSideUpBob.Example.CustomCommandsAndDataRef");
     strcpy(outDesc, "This example illustrates creating and using custom commands to control a custom DataRef.");
 //  Create our custom integer dataref
 gCounterDataRef = XPLMRegisterDataAccessor("BSUB/CounterDataRef",
                                             xplmType_Int,                                  // The types we support
                                             1,                                                   // Writable
                                             GetCounterDataRefCB, SetCounterDataRefCB,      // Integer accessors
                                             NULL, NULL,                                    // Float accessors
                                             NULL, NULL,                                    // Doubles accessors
                                             NULL, NULL,                                    // Int array accessors
                                             NULL, NULL,                                    // Float array accessors
                                             NULL, NULL,                                    // Raw data accessors
                                             NULL, NULL);                                   // Refcons not used
 // Find and intialize our Counter dataref
 gCounterDataRef = XPLMFindDataRef ("BSUB/CounterDataRef");
 XPLMSetDatai(gCounterDataRef, 0);
 // Create our commands; these will increment and decrement our custom dataref.
 CounterUpCommand = XPLMCreateCommand("BSUB/CounterUpCommand", "Counter Up");
 CounterDownCommand = XPLMCreateCommand("BSUB/CounterDownCommand", "Counter Down");
 // Register our custom commands
 XPLMRegisterCommandHandler(CounterUpCommand,           // in Command name
                            CounterUpCommandHandler,    // in Handler
                            1,                          // Receive input before plugin windows.
                            (void *) 0);                // inRefcon.
                            (void *) 0);
 return 1;
 PLUGIN_API void     XPluginStop(void)
 XPLMUnregisterCommandHandler(CounterUpCommand, CounterUpCommandHandler, 0, 0);
 XPLMUnregisterCommandHandler(CounterDownCommand, CounterDownCommandHandler, 0, 0);
 PLUGIN_API void XPluginDisable(void)
 PLUGIN_API int XPluginEnable(void)
     return 1;
 PLUGIN_API void XPluginReceiveMessage(XPLMPluginID    inFromWho,
                                      long             inMessage,
                                      void *           inParam)
 int     GetCounterDataRefCB(void* inRefcon)
     return gCounterValue;
 void	SetCounterDataRefCB(void* inRefcon, int inValue)
      gCounterValue = inValue;
 int    CounterUpCommandHandler(XPLMCommandRef       inCommand,
                                XPLMCommandPhase     inPhase,
                                void *               inRefcon)
 //  If inPhase == 0 the command is executed once on button down.
 if (inPhase == 0)
      if(gCounterValue > 10) {gCounterValue = 10;}
 // Return 1 to pass the command to plugin windows and X-Plane.
 // Returning 0 disables further processing by X-Plane.
 return 0;
 int    CounterDownCommandHandler(XPLMCommandRef       inCommand,
                         XPLMCommandPhase     inPhase,
                         void *               inRefcon)
 //  If inPhase == 1 the command is executed continuously.
      if (inPhase == 1)
           if(gCounterValue < -10) {gCounterValue = -10;}
 return 0;

3 comments on “Custom Command with Custom DataRef

  1. How do I create a custom command and replace the native with it? I tried to do this, however, the sdk returned that it was an illegal action, to register a native command name. what is the sequence?

    1. The correct way is to provide a custom callback function and register it for the native command, which you found with XPLMFindCommand rather than created. Then, from your callback function where you execute the custom action, return 0 so that your plugin eats the command rather than passing it on to X-Plane.

  2. Qual é a variavel de altitude no xplane?
    eu preciso criar um programa em java para ler e retornar o valor da altitude.

    What is the altitude variable on the xplane?
    I need to create a program in java to read and return the altitude value.

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