
XPLM_API void       XPLMGetNavAidInfo(
                         XPLMNavRef           inRef,
                         XPLMNavType *        outType,    /* Can be NULL */
                         float *              outLatitude,    /* Can be NULL */
                         float *              outLongitude,    /* Can be NULL */
                         float *              outHeight,    /* Can be NULL */
                         int *                outFrequency,    /* Can be NULL */
                         float *              outHeading,    /* Can be NULL */
                         char *               outID,    /* Can be NULL */
                         char *               outName,    /* Can be NULL */
                         char *               outReg);    /* Can be NULL */

This routine returns information about a navaid. Any non-null field is filled out with information if it is available.

Frequencies are in the nav.dat convention as described in the X-Plane nav database FAQ: NDB frequencies are exact, all others are multiplied by 100.

The buffer for IDs should be at least 6 chars and the buffer for names should be at least 41 chars, but since these values are likely to go up, I recommend passing at least 32 chars for IDs and 256 chars for names when possible.

The outReg parameter tells if the navaid is within the local “region” of loaded DSFs. (This information may not be particularly useful to plugins.) The parameter is a single byte value 1 for true or 0 for false, not a C string.