
The XPLMCustomizeAvionics_t structure defines all of the parameters used to replace or enhance avionics for using XPLMRegisterAvionicsCallbacksEx(). The structure will be expanded in future SDK APIs to include more features. Always set the structSize member to the size of your struct in bytes!

typedef struct {
     // Used to inform XPLMRegisterAvionicsCallbacksEx() of the SDK version you compiled against; should always be set to sizeof(XPLMCustomizeAvionics_t)
     int                       structSize;
     // Which avionics device you want your drawing applied to.
     XPLMDeviceID              deviceId;
     // The draw callback to be called before X-Plane draws.
     XPLMAvionicsCallback_f    drawCallbackBefore;
     // The draw callback to be called after X-Plane has drawn.
     XPLMAvionicsCallback_f    drawCallbackAfter;
     // A reference which will be passed into each of your draw callbacks. Use this to pass information to yourself as needed.
     void *                    refcon;
} XPLMCustomizeAvionics_t;