
typedef int (* XPLMHandleMouseClick_f)(
                         XPLMWindowID         inWindowID,
                         int                  x,
                         int                  y,
                         XPLMMouseStatus      inMouse,
                         void *               inRefcon);

You receive this call for one of three events:

  • when the user clicks the mouse button down
  • (optionally) when the user drags the mouse after a down-click, but before the up-click
  • when the user releases the down-clicked mouse button.

You receive the x and y of the click, your window, and a refcon. Return 1 to consume the click, or 0 to pass it through.

WARNING: passing clicks through windows (as of this writing) causes mouse tracking problems in X-Plane; do not use this feature!

The units for x and y values match the units used in your window. Thus, for “modern” windows (those created via XPLMCreateWindowEx() and compiled against the XPLM300 library), the units are boxels, while legacy windows will get pixels. Legacy windows have their origin in the lower left of the main X-Plane window, while modern windows have their origin in the lower left of the global desktop space. In both cases, x increases as you move right, and y increases as you move up.