Dear X-Plane Developers,
Following the success of versions 12.1.2 and 12.1.4 with our scenery and gateway artists, the art department is eager to understand which airport 3D/2D assets are at the top of your wishlist, and we would appreciate your input.
- Please focus exclusively on airport assets.
- Limit suggestions to new static 3D/2D assets. This is not a place for new WED features or graphical (GFX) updates.
- Please be succinct and polite.
- Please provide references where appropriate and be as accurate as possible. Saying “I want a new bollard” is not good enough. Is there a size, shape, or colour that you need?
- Understand that these are suggestions only, or “a request for comment”. There is no confirmation/timeline. Also understand that assets need to be accessible to all, not specific. So that weird hyperspecific 2-wheeled pushback truck at your local airport is not going to be appropriate.
- We will close off comments on the 9th February
We encourage you to share your thoughts in the comments below or join the discussion on our *Discord server.
Many thanks, we look forward to your ideas!
*To access, click on this link here, and make sure you pick up the “creator” role. There you should see a channel called #rfc-wed-assets
Military airports: F16 with generic grey livery; vehicles with green texture.
Vegetation: Pinus Pinea or Pinus Pinaster, widespread in the Mediterranea area ( France, Italy, Spain ).
More gardening options to decorate heliports, helipads and small airports, like bushes, hedges, flowers, etc.
More options of helipads objects (like rooftop helipads but that we can use in sloped heliports)
More options of hangars, small hangars, open hangars objects.
More options of sheds and shelters, bigger, and sheds and shelters with different size, small, medium, big and colors, blue roof, red roof, green roof, etc.
More options of latinamerica terminal buildings, not only US and EU, for small airports in Latam.
Thank you for asking our input. I am glad to contribute and share my thoughts about missing WED airport assets:
1. Big Airports
I asked myself: what is one of the main reasons to prefer a custom airport scenery instead of an included lego one? It is all the additional elements that make me believe I am actually there. The terminal building probably being the most important. Equally important is everything I can see from the cockpit while taxiing from ramp start till runway or while taking off, landing or flying patterns.
Some gateway artists have mastered the usage of the LR Terminal Kit and create terminal buildings that are very accurate in footprint and dimensions. The following assets would help to make the terminals look even more realistic:
A) a way to put the airport’s name on the terminal = signboard/airport label.
I See something similar to the existing taxiway signs where we can choose the letters to form the name. Maybe with an option to choose between different fonts and colours. Eventually this is rather considered a new WED feature.
B) New roof elements and entrances for the terminal kit, allowing us to better mimic the look of terminal buildings outside US and central EU. E.g. pagoda-style roof for Asia (e.g.WADD), slanted and tiled roofs, Pacific style roof (e.g. NSFA), Oriental style (e.g. GMMX, GMME, HEMA, OOMS), etc.
C) Public transport at the airport:
– porch/canopy/marquee elements for the terminal kit to better design the entrance areas where cars and taxis arrive at the terminal and let the passengers get out
– curb-facades like the ones in the MisterX library so we can design bus-stops, train stops, traffic islands etc.
– airport taxi car
– public bus
– Signage for public trasport
– rental car signs
– entrance sign
D) little things that make an airport come alive:
– 3D passengers and crew of different ethnos (eventually animated) so we can finally populate the areas around our ramp starts
– Animated Flags of all the countries, so w’ill have them in gateway airports too
– decorative elements for around the airport: bushes, flower-pots, fountains, welcome-signs, coloured flags/banners
2. General
Variations of existing:
– more colour-options for the existing “colored area green” pol, eg. Blue, red, yellow, white, black
– reddish asphalt, gravel and sand .pol and road .lin for airports in regions with red soil, e.g. outback Australia
– same texture options for pavement .pols as we have for taxiways, = plus gravel, sand, snow, grass etc.
– static police cars with non flashing lights
– more windsock colour options (white, orange) and types (e.g. Aussie style)
– Static version of the train objects
– A facade similar to the existing flat utility or flat flat warehouse ones (with ramps etc.) but for higher buildings e.g. up to 4-5 levels.
– more variety of static helicopters, also SAR
– pool-facade so we can make different shapes
2. Assets specifically for small GA Airfiels:
– Clubhouses in different types (wood, brick, plaster etc.) with Club sign on the wall
– small C-office buidings/containers with C sign
– aerodrome signal square with animated T-Bar as specified by ICAO
– wooden versions of the existing small gabled hangars
3. Assets for Seaports/seaplane bases:
– static seaplanes
– different wooden docks with old tires
– swimming docks on drums
– drum fuel pump
– lifebouy
– crate with life vests
– shoreline ramp
– mooring buoy
– beacons, pointers
– canoe
– administration block
Thank you very much for considering some of this input.
Echoing the above and adding:
– More variety of “Long” hangars – options for narrower and shorter
– Additional sizes of “Sloped” hangars – taller, narrower etc.
– Hangar facades (.fac) with gabled or slanted roof options
– Additional door options for hangar facades – rolling, garage door, bi-fold overhead
– Airport signage for small untowered airports – “Welcome to [XYZ]”, “Tune to [X] frequency”, “Be Aware of Trees/Birds etc.”, “Run-up Area” etc.
– Airport emergency vehicles such as fire trucks, airport fire stations with open doors
– White pop-up tents/awnings that may be used over a municipal airport patio
– Garden hoses
– Match aircraft objects with current X-Plane default aircraft including sailplanes and floatplanes
– Wind Tee Indicator (yellow)
– Bicycles, bicycle parking stands
– EV chargers for parking lots
– Ladder and step ladders (for fuel stations)
– Sailplane launching winch station
– Hanger interior items such as work bench and tools, desk and desk chair, oil canisters, metal shelving, metal cabinets, snow shovels etc
– Outdoor patio/restaurant items such as fire pits, heat lamp, grill, potted plants, hot tub, fence with string lights etc
more objects for building of airport restaurants, especially for smaller airports where these would consist of a separate building:
– restaurant/cafe facade where you can see inside the restaurant through the windows
– Restaurant signs
– awning elements
– winter garden elements
– decorative terrace lights