First, it was great to see everyone who came to FSConn 2016! Here’s a video of the conference: if there is another video that has better stabilization I’ll try to post it.

Now about X-Plane 10.50: I did just fix my last beta-stopping bug. So in theory the first beta will be live tomorrow.

But that’s only theory!  If the beta isn’t live, please refrain from being the 700th person to post “any ETA on the beta” to the comments section. The actual release date of builds is unpredictable because the existence of release-stopping bugs is unpredictable.  (If we could be 100% sure there were no bugs, we wouldn’t need betas at all.)

About Ben Supnik

Ben is a software engineer who works on X-Plane; he spends most of his days drinking coffee and swearing at the computer -- sometimes at the same time.

40 comments on “X-Plane 10.50 Beta “Real Soon”

  1. Great presentation, guys!

    I was wondering about the new autogen buildings – does the existing world scenery contain the height data, or will it get added as an extra scenery layer? Will existing 3rd party meshes like the HD meshes from AlPilotX still work, and will they need to be updated to generate the correct height buildings?

  2. Ben, I’d say we are just all too excited about the improvements 10.50 will bring, so excuse the nagging please. I for my part just bought the download edition in addition to my Steam version just to get my hands on beta. And of course to support you, Austin and LM in the fight against the trolls.

    1. That is the spirit.
      I wish they had a monthly donation thingy, I sure would have loved to support LR.

  3. I saw this video just yesterday and I have to say that I am absolutely blown with what you guys are doing over there! Cannot wait to see 10.50 or XP11 sometime in the future 🙂

    Great job guys! Keep it up.

  4. thx for the video, i love the future changes on lighting rendering system, thx for your work, cheers

  5. Well my pizza got bugs on it, my wife back in the house, I drunk up all my bear, I mean tears and tomorrow I go back to work…..what a wasted weekend…:(((

  6. lol…don’t get pissed Ben, we are just too anxious to see what goodies are coming, I for one only fly Xplane and so the reason for my anxiety. Anyway, I give “Patience” a shout and see if she’s around.

    Good luck with the release-stopping bugs.

  7. Hi Laminar Researchers,

    Great, looking forward to 10.50 … and 11!
    But I wonder what Philipp is working on. He has a habit of being the most secretive of you all 😉

    Best Regards,

    1. Mostly lying on a floating mat in the pool and sipping Pina Coladas.
      Honestly though, really booooring features for the time after 10.50. Boring unless you are interested in correctly flying LPV approaches for example. Suffice it to say that I attended a meeting with the FAA in Washington so we can get more and better data in X-Plane that I care for for instrument training.

      1. Thanks for the update! Well, LPV approaches are not _that_ boring.
        Great news, getting more data *in* X-Plane. Please don’t forget the add-on developers who want to get the new data *out* of X-Plane… By the way, is the data for LPV not supplied by NaviGraph and NavDataPro?

  8. Will the physics based rendering in the future X-Plane versions place more of the rendering load on the CPU?

  9. your presentation at FlightSimCon 2016 was very good – I think a lot of people were sitting mouth wide open, me too

  10. Looking forward to 10.50, as well as the new features you showed off at FlightSimCon. The new UI looks very well done and PBR looks amazing (btw, would you be able to post the screenshots of PBR here so we can view them in full quality?) The new sound system also looks great, although I won’t use it directly.

    P.s Any ETA on 10.50 beta :p

  11. It was a great show, and I am very excited with the future of the sim. Why can’t you let him stick the camera on a tripod and get an official quality copy….

  12. This is some update… Great work, as I can now fly without ‘You’re off course’ ‘You’re off course’ ‘You’re off course’ ‘You’re off course’ ‘You’re off course’ ‘You’re off course’ ‘You’re off course’… You get the idea.

    One far fetched question I must ask, is when can we expect basic moving ground vehicles and decent servicing vehicles that may be included in the default X-Plane 10 release? I understand I can download them from, but they never install/work for me… They would probably be considered in the slightest by at least version 10.80, but this would definitely be the upgrade to make X-Plane 10 truly realistic in my opinion.

    Once again, thanks to everyone for their amazing work, and let’s hope there aren’t too many bugs in beta!

    1. P.S. Watched the entire video; it makes X-Plane look very promising indeed!

  13. Take the – surely annoying – permanent asking about release dates as a clear sign how much we all love your work!
    Many thanks and take your time…

  14. Ben, any eta on the beta?….just kidding…
    I still can’t believe how beautiful XP 11 will look.

    I remember a couple of years ago the excitement with XP 10, I am feeling the same now.

    I can’t imagine the millions of details you have to look for before a major beta release like this!

    Thanks a lot!

  15. hi,i would like to know why the fuel consumption of the default b747-400 is almost twice of it’s should be. Is this a bug or on purpose?I just hope it become normal. Please, please fix this …Thanks.
    And would you update this aircraft in the 10.50?
    hope your reply.

  16. Thanks for posting a link to the discussion!

    Finally that awful tire screeching sound when you brake will finally be gone in X-Plane 11. Hopefully the deer will be left on the cutting room floor sometime in the future too.

    But keep the birds …. the birds are cool.

  17. This is the best viewing for the last few years. Thanks for the Great work, Laminar Research.

    P.S. Wish You Were Here.

  18. It looks like v10.50b1 is available in certain parts of the world. Except for where I am located. Waiting with baited breath.

  19. Great presentation and goodies, especially the autogen and sounds.
    About x-plane 11, is there any prediction about porting of payware aircraft into this new version?

    1. Well, our general goal for aircraft compatibility is:
      1. Aircraft from the previous version more or less work.
      2. There may be a small number of mandatory updates at major versions – these are usually for add-ons using very old technology. (E.g. if the airplane from v8 worked by compatibility in v9, it needed some work for v10 – the last version rule isn’t recursive.)
      3. Usually the aircraft without the updates is acceptable to users but not quite what authors want, so they tune it.

      The move to HDR and global lighting was a level of compatibility we were comfortable with: most aircraft “just worked” with HDR, some needed updates, and with HDR off, things were mostly fine.

  20. Hi.
    A question regarding the FMOD sound library.
    Today I use the same library in my plugin.
    I was wondering if the future implementation will be generic with xplane. Meaning fhe library will be officially supported by xp so I won’t need to include it.
    Another thought. Will you expand the xpsdk to expose basic features like playing a sound file or will we still need to manually handle this.

    Another question that crossed my mind… Will the future interface look and feel will influence the xpsdk widget look and feel?
    Thank you for the great show.

    1. Here’s my expectation:
      1. FMOD will be packaged with the sim, making it available.
      2. The X-Plane C SDK will contain minimal FMOD support – e.g. there might be a dataref letting you get FMOD’s system object. (In other words, if you want to code, write fmod code directly and we’re only going to help with things where we have to because of global resources owned by the sim. FMOD’s API is such that you don’t need us to wrap it.)
      3. There will be an -authoring- interface to associate FMOD events (FMOD sounds are called ‘events’ for some reason) with commands or datarefs in the sim. That will be something you do with your aircraft, but it’s -data driven-, e.g. no code required.

  21. Great video. New rendering engine is really exciting, and provides much more realistic picture. One question about future functionality. Current weather engine doesn’t support smooth weather transitions during flight (and different weather settings in different places in a world at all). As far as I understand this feature requires whole weather engine redesign. Do you have plans about new weather engine in XP11? or you are going to focus on other things? Thanks in advance.

  22. Ben,

    I know you probably can’t answer, but incase you can:

    I was wondering if PBR in the next version is just for aircraft, or is it meant to work for the entire pipeline? (Ie, reflections/haze off of runways, more physically accurate atmospheric scattering)

    If its just for aircraft, thats totally ok (or if its mostly fudged with shaders and comes “close” to looking real). If you are on the fence about the atmospheric scattering part… for what its worth, and for all of its limitations as currently implemented, Real Terra Haze gave me a greater sense of depth and distance than tons of objects ever had (it’d be nice to get an overclocked i7 and a $currentFastestCard to have both!) – I had not realized how important that was to a sense of realism. So a re-jiggered scattering support would be a way for us with old sad machines to benefit even if we had to dial everything else way down.

    I was blown away that the sample renders looked better than what a ray tracer could do when I was a kid. Awesome work!

    1. The intent is the entire pipeline – one consistent lighting model everywhere.

      With that in mind, the detail in the reflections may be -seriously- limited/impaired/hacked for things other than the aircraft – we have to pick our battles. But for that matter, I don’t know how much reflections we get, and it will certainly be variable based on rendering settings. That stuff is TBD – what we have now is not even close to fast enough to ship.

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