When we make the global scenery, we pre-process the terrain to make flat grassy areas for the airports, using the latest apt.dat data. We will be recutting the scenery again soon for version 9, so if you have a favorite airport that isn’t flat and grassy in v8, you can submit a layout to Robin Peel – notes here.

I do not know exactly when we will be rendering the scenery, so I don’t know how long you have to submit a layout. I can’t make a promise that “if you submit a layout by X it will be in the scenery” – something can always come up that requires us to not use the layout (especially now that we have apt.dat 850 and layouts can contain all sorts of strange things). So I can only say: please consider submitting your layout soon. If it’s only partly done, finish the boundary and submit it to Robin with a note “this is only for global scenery” – you can always finish it and submit again later.

About Ben Supnik

Ben is a software engineer who works on X-Plane; he spends most of his days drinking coffee and swearing at the computer -- sometimes at the same time.