In Plane-Maker you will see that there are two “glass” lighting modes for instruments – one called “glass” and the other called “glass (translucent)”.

What’s the difference?  The difference is how they respond to their lighting rheostat being turned down.
  • Glass becomes dim by mixing the RGB colors of the overlays toward black.
  • Glass (tranlsucent) becomes dim by mixing the alpha channel of the overlays toward transparent.

Which one do you want?  It depends on what you are doing.  The rules I suggest are:

  • Use “glass” if you are using the layer as a “mask” to block elements behind it.
  • Use “glass (translucent) if you are using the layer as an “overlay” to draw on top of other elements.

About Ben Supnik

Ben is a software engineer who works on X-Plane; he spends most of his days drinking coffee and swearing at the computer -- sometimes at the same time.