I’ve been very busy with X-Plane feature development…when the blog is quiet, usually something interesting is getting coded. (Actually this weekend, I’ve just been sick in bed, so…hrm…when the blog gets quiet, perhaps I am infected.)

Just a quick note: if you see any kind of spam or vandalism on the wikis, please let me know immediately. The wiki engine we use (mediaWiki) has some fairly advanced anti-attack capabilities, but they need to be brought in when a problem occurs. Over the last two weeks I’ve cleaned out repeated attacks on the SDK site and one attack on the main site, and it appears that the software installed now is working.

But if more attacks come in, the next step is filting, e.g. programming the wiki to automatically reject posts based on typical off-topic keywords like certain ED drugs, etc. So if you see a post like this, please let me know – I’ll kill the post and set up the anti-spam filter.

About Ben Supnik

Ben is a software engineer who works on X-Plane; he spends most of his days drinking coffee and swearing at the computer -- sometimes at the same time.