This picture shows explicit layering control for objects, a proposed extension for X-Plane 850. In this case the blue square, red square, and yellow cube are three separate objects, all sharing a texture. The blue and red objects use polygon-offset (ATTR_poly_os) to avoid flicker. The blue and red objects also contain an experimental layer controll attribute (ATTR_layer_group. The red object has a layer number lower than airports, putting it under the runways, while the blue object contains a layer number higher than airports but lower than 3-d objects, guaranteeing that the yellow cube goes over it and not vice versa. Without these the load order would be random and every object would be on top of the runways.

About Ben Supnik

Ben is a software engineer who works on X-Plane; he spends most of his days drinking coffee and swearing at the computer -- sometimes at the same time.

4 comments on “Object Layer Control

  1. Hi Theo,

    Yes – object layer control is available via the ATTR_layer_group command for objects, and the LAYER_GROUP command for .pol files. It’s available starting in 850.

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