A number of users have confirmed that the new ATI Catalyst 9-1 drivers fix the artifacts introduced with the 8-12 drivers!  No need to stay back on the 8-11  drivers any more.

It’s nice to have this bug fixed – long time X-Plane users saw this as soon as they updated from 8-11 to 8-12 – they updated drivers and the sim got weird looking, so they just rolled their drivers back.
But a number of MSFS users have tried the X-Plane demo for the first time using 8-12 drivers and wondered how we could ship such a lousy product.  The key, of course, is that MSFS uses DirectX drivers, while X-Plane uses OpenGL drivers, so the 8-12 drivers affected X-Plane but not MSFS.

I’ve been poking at the FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE messages that some people get.  The best I have so far is: run with –no_fbos and –no_glsl (learn how here).  If you get this card and you have 2 GB of RAM, consider turning your rendering settings down a bit.
And 930?  I got my last beta stopper fixed today, so it’s time for a scotch!  I’ll post more on the beta tomorrow.

About Ben Supnik

Ben is a software engineer who works on X-Plane; he spends most of his days drinking coffee and swearing at the computer -- sometimes at the same time.

3 comments on “Catalyst Drivers – Get 9-1

  1. Vomit – I think you are correct; perhaps the GL impementation in Linux is a different branch of code from Windows. Sorry, “Get 9-1” is definitely for windows users.

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