
New AC3D Plugin

The new beta of the AC3D export plugin is posted here. There are a bunch of bug fixes, but the two big ones are:

Texture paths are exported without relative directories. This was a new “feature” in the first beta, but virtually everyone said that exporting relative paths was both confusing and annoying. The plugin is now back the way it used to be. (If you need a relative path, there is a “prefix” path that you can specify in the preferences that will be prepended before all textures.)

The popup menu for datarefs has been replaced by a combo-box. This has three advantages:

  1. The popup can be built a lot faster.
  2. You can type custom datarefs into the combo box.
  3. It doesn’t crash.

Here’s a tip: if you type a part of a dataref into the combo box and then open it, only the matching datarefs are shown. Try typing “flightmodel” into the combo box and then opening it.

“Directories” of datarefs are shown first. So from flightmodel you can pick sim/flightmodel/position and then re-click. Now all of the position datarefs are shown. In this way you can navigate through all datarefs.

You can also use wild-cards in the combo-box. If you search for sim/flightmodel*x you will find all of the datarefs beginning with sim/flightmodel and ending with x. Note that when you use * your pattern must match the entire dataref.

(To search for all datarefs containing flightmodel and local with some text between them, you cannot just use flightmodel*local. You need to use *flightmodel*local*.)

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You Can’t Unbake a Cake

First, I just want to be clear: I am not announcing any future features for the scenery tools. I am not saying when they will be released, and I am not saying what they will do, because honestly I do not know. There have been too many cases when users have emailed me and said either “I thought you guys were going to do X” or “you guys promised you were going to do X”, so now I am officially paranoid.

So this blog post is not about what the future scenery tools will do – it is simply a discussion of the difference between editing source data and compiled DSFs.

When we make the global scenery, we start with a bunch of source data that roughly consists of: road maps, coastlines, elevation, landuse, climate data, airport locations, etc. When we build a DSF out of it, we “bake” these items together into a single file. During this baking process, our tools apply some “integration effects”. Here are a few of the more obvious examples:

  • Terrain under airports is forced to be an airport grass texture, appropriate for local climate data.
  • Roads are removed from airport areas.
  • Intersections are computed for highways – that is, a highway and city street form an overpass, but two city streets become a real intersection.
  • Generated Buildings are put around the roads, not under them.
  • Buildings are oriented to “face” the slope of the ground they are under, based on their shape.

That’s not a complete list, but it gives you an idea of some of what goes into making a DSF. All of this information is precomputed and represented in the final DSF. But consider this last point: the DSF contains the actual orientation (north/south/east/west) of each building. It does not contain the slope underneath the building and it contains no information about which buildings need reorientation. In other words, the results of the process, not the inputs to the process, are present.

So consider what would happen if you could simply edit the data in the DSF:

  • If you moved an airport, the airport grass would stay in its own location.
  • If you moved an airport over a road, the road would still be there.
  • If you changed a city street to a highway, it would not form an overpass.
  • If you moved a road on top of a generated building, the building would remain in place.
  • If you changed the ground elevation, buildings would not change their orientation to face the new slope.

If you changed the source data and re-ran the DSF building process, these effects would occur. But remember, we need elevation, land use, etc. to build a DSF from scratch, and the DSF itself doesn’t contain its source data.

So we have two possible strategies for editing DSFs:

  1. We could build a DSF “retouching” tool that let us make very small changes to the existing DSF without having any source data. None of these effects would “work” so authors would have to make very small changes and then hand-fix any problems that appeared.
  2. We could build a DSF “rebuilding” tool that let authors make new DSFs from source data. All of the effects would look good, but authors would have to get some of the source data. (We could post our source data, or provide links to places where it can be downloaded.)

Note that we can’t have our cake and eat it…we cannot get the “integration effects” listed above unless we go back to the source data. If I can stretch my cake metaphor to the breaking point, once we make our cake, we can’t easily remove the flour and add another egg – we need to start over with the raw ingredients.

Which strategy will the scenery tools use? I don’t know yet. I am focusing on airport and overlay editing, which sidestep this issue a bit (we can easily edit an apt.dat 850 or overlay from the final product). We may do a bit of both strategies – it depends on what users want and what we can code efficiently.

Why don’t the finished DSFs contain everything we need to edit them? The answer is size. The finished global scenery was about 56 GB of DSF. When I last checked, the raw data that forms the DSFs was at least 100 GB or more. So for each DVD we shipped of scenery, we’d have to ship two more DVDs of source data, for a 21 DVD set, most of which wouldn’t be useful to most users.

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It’s the little things….

That take the longest to program. This may surprise non-programmers, but won’t surprise anyone who has done UI development before.

Example: in WED, there is a spreadsheet-like view (the “property” view) that shows text-based information, usually with a list of runways or taxiways in one direction and different aspects of them (name, displaced threshhold length, surface, etc.) on the other.

In WED, if you press the tab key while editing text, WED will move to the next editable field, first across, then down. Furthermore, it will scroll the view as needed so you don’t need to adjust the scrollbars while working. The result is that you can, for example, use the mouse to select all of your taxiways, and then rename every single one of them from the keyboard with the tab key without ever going back to the mouse.

It’s a small UI feature that can make a big difference in how long it takes to work on a project, and takes surprisingly long to code.

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European Buildings Everywhere

A user reported a bug: the 3-d buildings in all parts of the world outside the United States* are European-style, even in Australia, Canada, China, etc.

It takes two things to see 3-d objects in X-Plane:

  1. Location data in the DSF you are flying over.
  2. 3-d models (stored in OBJ files) that match the definitions called for by the location data.

Now we have location data for our “generic” objects (objects that are placed pseudo-randomly based on local topography and roads, to synthesize cities) for all urban areas that are covered by the 7-DVD global scenery set. But we only have two sets of artwork: a set of US-style buildings for use in the US, and a set of European-style buildings for the rest of the world.

So we had an unfortunate dilemma. Either we could have European style buildings everywhere, which looks funny, but at least it’s 3-d. Or we could use the European-style buildings only in Europe and have no 3-d at all everywhere else. Both options make some users unhappy and neither is very good. We chose to have the European buildings everywhere – my guess is that it generated slightly less complaints.

Well, the silver lining is: it’s actually really easy to remove the European-style builldings from the rest of the world (Canada, Australia, China, Russia, Africa, etc.). All you have to do is make a custom scenery pack that applies to the regions where you don’t want the buildings and maps them to a blank object. I have built such a custom scenery pack and posted it here. If you install this scenery pack, then Canada will be devoid of 3-d, but at least there won’t be mismatching architecture.

This begs the question: why not use the US buildings to populate some of those regions? The answer is that the US buildings are built to a different spec than the European ones, because the road grid data for the US is more detailed than the rest of the world. So amongst our current artwork, only the European buildings will work globally.

* When I refer to the United States, I really mean the continental United States. Sorry to everyone in the beautiful states of Hawaii and Alaska. This is just an artifact of how the data was imported – I could not get the Census data for Hawaii, Alaska, or the territories to import, so I reverted to the generic “global” data.

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Turn Off “Draw Hi-Detailed World”

It looks so innocent, that one check box…”draw hi detailed world”. What harm could it do?

Well, if you have a GeForce FX graphics card, quite a bit! If you have Vista it may not be a great idea either.

The “draw hi-detail world” setting turns on multiple rendering settings that look nice but hurts fps. There are two I can think of right now:

  • With the setting on, we draw 3-d structures for airport lights. This can slow down slower machines, but usually isn’t the big problem.
  • With this setting on, we use pixel shaders to draw terrain – without it we use the traditional “fixed function” OpenGL pipeline.

It’s this second behavior that causes all the misery. X-Plane won’t use pixel shaders if your video card doesn’t have them. But…what if your card has pixel shaders and they’re just not very good?

I should say: I have no first-hand knowledge of how the GeForce FX series works, and what I am repeating is simply conjecture posted on the web, albeit conjecture that explains what we keep hearing from users. The GeForce FX (nVidia’s first series of programmable pixel-shader based cards) is a hybrid card – half the card’s transistors are dedicated to fixed-function drawing, and only half for shaders. Thus if we go into shader mode, we basically “lose” half the chip, and our performance tanks. (ATI built 100% programmable cards starting with their first entry, the 9700, and nVidia went this way with the 6000 series.)

So if you have an FX card, it tells X-Plane “I can do shaders”. With “hi-detailed world” on, we take a huge performance hit. Simple solution for FX users: turn “hi-detailed world” off! Get your fps back!

I’ve also heard a bunch of reports that the new drivers for Vista have bugs…they seem to come out more when we use pixel shaders . Again – turn “hi detailed world” off and see if it helps!

Bottom line: “draw hi detailed world” is proving to be an aggressive setting – I recommend backing it down as the first step in trouble-shooting performance problems.

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Drawing on the Ground – Polygons or OBJs

With X-Plane 860 there are two ways to draw stuff on the ground:

  • Use an OBJ and ATTR_poly_os. This is the way most people have built custom taxiways, markings, etc.
  • Use a DSF overlay with a bezier polygon (which is controlled by a .pol or .lin file).

Which should you do? Hrm…

  • For any geometry that goes over a very large area, the DSF overlay with a bezier polygon is basically a requirement, because the polygon will “drape” over the ground. The OBJ might just stick out in the air.
  • If your element repeats a lot, the OBJ may save memory. (OBJs are stored in memory once and used many times – bezier polygons use RAM each time they’re used.)
  • If the overlay is very simple, the DSF overlay may perform better.
  • It may be too expensive to build complex lines with DSF overlay lines. They’re meant for taxi-lines, not full vector graphics!

So here are a few decisions I’d make:

  • Taxi lines – certainly DSF overlays if we’re not using apt.dat 850.
  • Parking spot at an airport – use one large polygon with a texture, not a bunch of bezier lines.
  • Use a DSF overlay for that parking spot, even if we use it 60 or 100 times. The simplicity of the overlay (vs. the compexity of starting and stopping an OBJ from drawing) outweighs the cost of using it many times.
  • A very structurally complex overlay on the ground with thousands of triangles (that for some reason cannot be created with a texture) that is used a lot — well, this is an “artificial” case I’ve made up, but in this case use an OBJ.
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The Sordid History of ATTR_poly_os

I’ve blogged in the past about ATTR_poly_os…it’s a tricky topic. ATTR_poly_os is
a feature of the OBJ file format designed to let authors fix z-buffer thrash problems. Unfortunately, the cause of z-buffer thrash is pretty complex. To make things worse, it turns out I never finished my intended documentation on the subject. (I’m an idiot!)

The fundamental problem I think is that what we have now (ATTR_poly_os and ATTR_layer_group) provide a mechanism to correctly fix z-buffer thrash, but they don’t in any way enforce good behavior over bad behavior. The two attributes are very flexible, and if used together, can do all sorts of bad things. The problem is that ATTR_poly_os was thought up years before the layer-group mechanism, and thus they don’t really reinforce each other.

So…here are a few simple rules to help with z-buffer thrash in X-Plane 860:

  1. Never use the names of objects or their order in the DSF to accomplish anything. X-Plane ignores both names and orders when processing your scenery.
  2. Do not move your polygons above the terrain to fix z-thrash. This won’t work.
  3. When possible, divide your objects into ones that are 100% on-the-ground (and thus may z-thrash) and ones that are 100% 3-d above the ground (and will not thrash). I realize that more objects means slower fps…so this applies best when you have many objects and can pick how you divide them up.
  4. Always use ATTR_poly_os for any polygons that lie along the ground. Use the smallest number you can to fix the thrash.
  5. If you have an object with ATTR_poly_os geometry and non-poly_os geometry, make sure the ATTR_poly_os geometry is first!

Those five rules should keep you out of trouble.

What about ATTR_layer_group? Well, secretly X-Plane 860 will change the layer group of an object that is ATTR_poly_os for you. So as long as your object contains only offset geometry (this is what I recommend in rule 3) it wll always be drawn before the rest of the objects, preventing artifacts.

You’ll need ATTR_layer_group if you want to put objects underneath runways, or underneath taxiways, for example.

I am working on more comprehensive documentation on the topic, and appreciate any feedback on stuff that I’ve written that’s unclear…the rules are complicated!

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DX10: Why I’m Not an Early Adopter

Before I begin, X-Plane uses OpenGL as its interface to 3-d hardware, not Direct3D. So when I talk about “X-Plane doesn’t utilize DX10”, isn’t that meaningless? I mean, X-Plane has never supported any version of Direct3D.

But I like to use the term “DX9” and “DX10” anyway for this reason:

  • For all practical purposes, within the “games space”, most advances to the Direct3D and OpenGL APIs that I care about are created for the purpose of exposing new hardware capabilities to applications. That is, the point of DX10 (including the new Direct3D) is to allow games to use the newest video cards more efficiently.
  • OpenGL is revised by adding “extensions”, that is, independent features that can be mixed and matched. DirectX tends to have whole-API revisions. So I prefer DirectX because it puts a nice “number” on an entire set of technology. Since the graphics cards are revised in generations as new GPUs are designed, these generations match up reasonably well with the hardware.

So in this context, when I say “DX10” I really mean the very newest set of super-programmable cards, of which the GeForce 8800 is the first, and by use them I mean take advantage of some of these really great new features:

  • Instancing (the ability to draw a lot of objects with only one command to the card, which could relieve the CPU cost of huge numbers of objects).
  • Geometry shaders (the ability to do per-triangle and not just per-vertex calculations on the graphics card) which could move some of the logic for terrain generation to the graphics card. (We precompute this and save it in the DSF in X-Plane, so we use DVD space and RAM, while I believe MSFS does this kind of thing on the CPU.)
  • Better management of state changes (good for unloading the CPU).
  • A bunch of really interesting ways to work with data strictly on the card (don’t know what it’s good for yet, but it unlocks a lot of cool possibilities).

So why doesn’t X-Plane utilize all of these new features? Or rather, when will we?

Well, my goal in working on X-Plane’s rendering engine is to know these things are coming but not be an early adopter. The way I look at the economics of software development is: the amount of labor we can put into a release is somewhat constrained. If we put in more months between releases, we have fewer releases. If we have more programmers, we have to pay them more, and we have to charge more money. There’s a lot of things you can say (or people have told us) about our business model. But I tend to view these as the invariant conditions we have to work with.

So what I worry about is efficiency: if we are limited to exactly X man-months of work per release, how can we make the best of them? Is being an early adopter the most efficient use of limited programmer resources when developing X-Plane? (We have to consider opportunity cost: what features won’t be implemented because we spent time on early adoption of new graphics technologies.)

I think there are a few things going against early adoption, particularly for a small company like us where labor is at a premium. (Our list of things we can be doing is very long, so any new feature takes away from a lot of other good ideas.)

  • New graphics hardware isn’t widely distributed among our user base. If we adopt DirectX-10 style features, this work helps a very small numer of our users. Eventually everyone will have hardware like this, but we can cover a case by adapting the new technology later.
  • When new features come out, there is often vendor disagreement on how to code for them. It takes time to come up with cross-vendor standards. Consider that ATI hasn’t come out with their DX10 hardware, and the OpenGL extensions to use these are all nVidia proposals. My guess is that ATI will have their own extensions, and the real ones that get used will be a mix of each. If we adopt now, we’ll be “betting on the wrong horse” a few times — code that will have to be rewritten, for a total loss of efficiency.
  • New drivers can be buggy. It takes a while for support for new features to be both universal and reliable. The earlier we jump in, the buggier the environment we develop in, and thus the more difficult it is for us to develop.

Of course, there’s definitely a cost. The 8800 is capable of doing some amazing things, and X-Plane does not yet fully take advantage of it. But I do believe that in the long term we end up delivering more value to X-Plane users by taking a slower wait-and-see approach to new hardware.

(To GeForce 8800 users I can only say that the code we write now while waiting for the right environment may do some cool things too, so we’re not just taking a vacation! And the GeForce 8800 also delivers an overall speed boost to the entire system.)

EDIT: the same logic applies to operating systems like Vista and OS X 10.5 to some extent, but I hesitate to bring this up because: a number of users are having problems with X-Plane and Vista, and it is not because we have delayed support for Vista. The real problem is that the graphics card drivers for Vista are still new and have some problems. I believe that the various Vista problems we’re seeing will be addressed by code changes by ATI and nVidia.

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Will it Ever Be Done (WED)

The internal joke about WED (the new scenery editor) is that it stands for Will it Ever be Done. So I should say that, given my total inability to predict when it will be done, and how many delays and setbacks there have been, I don’t expect you to believe anything I say until I actually ship something you can run (or at least post some screenshots*). I realize that I have destroyed my credibility about ship-dates by having no ability to predict ship dates for WED.

With that in mind, I am pleased to report that today I was able to run WED with a few features working in concert:

  • Multiple selection (map and hierachy view).
  • Multiple undo everywhere.
  • Marquee multi-selection tool on the map view.
  • Tree-based hierarchy view with editable property fields.

WED still can’t do anything remotely useful, but these four features represent a huge amount of infrastructure investment. Basically my goal is to provide some of these user-interface features (multiple undo, multiple select, multiple tools, etc.) for every single type of scenery component that you can edit.

Since apt.dat contains a lot of different components (just look at all the record types in the file format) and WED will also have to edit DSFs with a wide variety of data, it made sense to me to write a generic mechanism for these features that could be used over and over again without writing new code.

So my hope is that I’m just getting over the “hump” of writing infrastructure, and soon will be able to add two dozen more types of editable things to WED (other than my simple test objects) very quickly. We’ll see if it pays off.

The plan is still for WED releases to be separate from X-Plane and to be open source (MIT/X11 license). I’ve been meaning to post in Chris’s programming blog about some of the design ideas WED employs – it makes a good laboratory. Hopefully those posts can also provide some guidance if anyone decides to modify/work on/steal the WED source code. (It is my expectation that most programmers will not want to get into the guts of how WED works, as it is a fairly complex application. I think I can make simpler interfaces to things like import/export to make extending the program simpler.)

Anyway, WED is not the only thing I am working on right now, and you don’t have to believe me, but the WED codebase is growing, and some of it even works!

* I am not posting screenshots because the program is running right now with “scab art” – that is, ugly green, red and purple boxes that will be replaced with nice PNGs once the layout settles down. I do not want to make our artists draw the UI components more than once, and I don’t want to answer 1000 emails about “Why is it so ugly” by posting the scabs, which are perfectly adequate for my own coding purposes and not intended to ship.

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I’m not a fan of SLI/CrossFire

When it comes to video cards, I’ve always been in the “don’t spend more than $200” school of thought. My logic is: video card technology moves so fast that paying a lot of money for the “first six months” of any new technology level is very expensive. Bless all of you who are early adopters – you’re helping keep nVidia and ATI humming, but it’s an expensive hobby to main an up-to-date machine.

This is one of my favorite tables (there is a similar one on Wikipedia for ATI). It shows performance of graphics cards and when they came out. Compare the GeForce 7950 GT2 and the GeForce 8800 GTS. If you want 24,000 MT/S of fill rate, you could buy a top-of-the-line two-cards-in-one-via-SLI 7950, but if you waited six months, a SINGLE intermediate-speed 8800 would give you the same thing while supporting DX10 shaders (e.g. geometry shaders, instancing, and all that awesome stuff). The 7950 GT2 apparently retailed at $600+, which was a real discount compared to actually chaining two separate 7950’s together (that’d get you up around $850). Look on and you’ll see that GeForce 8800 prices aren’t that expensive (compared to an SLI combination). And the 7950 GT2’s come down a lot from what it used to cost.

For another datapoint, compare the Geforce 7600’s to the GeForce 6800’s. The 6800 was the monster card when it came out, putting nVidia back in the number one spot. But the next-generation’s intermediate range cards can do what was top-end before. (The 7600 can be had for a little over $100. Compare that to several hundred for the 6800 ultra about one year earlier.)

Simply put, you pay a huge premium to get a given performance level when it’s new and top-end. Wait one generation of cards (by buying last-year’s top end cards or this-year’s middle-range cards) and you save a lot.

It’s in this context that I don’t believe that SLI makes a lot of sense. In an environment where (IMO, and my opinion only) the top-end video cards are already expensive for what they do, SLI simply makes the situation worse, by allowing you to spend double what the already-high-end cards cost to get performance that will be available in one card in the next generation.

To do the math, does it make sense to spend double the price on your video card to extend its useful life by six months? Only if you intend to change cards every six months.

(nVidia makes an argument that SLI allows developers to preview the next-gen hardware, and this is true. My strategy is different: simply run X-Plane slowly and assume that the next-generation hardware will go faster.)

I don’t feel good about criticizing nVidia and ATI because overall I feel that their products provide an extraordinary value at a very good price, and the growth of performance in video cards has been astounding. Todays cards just hit it out of the park.

But to me SLI and CrossFire strikes me as a solution looking for a problem. They solve the problem of making the most expensive cards more expensive, but I don’t think they’re the best way to spend money on a flight simulation system. (Better might be to not buy at the “SLI/Crossfire” level of video cards, meaning spending $700+ on your video cards, but rather to go down a level and upgrade your motherboard/CPU more frequently.)

Some users email me asking for video card recommendations, in particular whether to buy an SLI/Crossfire configuration. The bottom line is, it depends on how much you value your money vs. your graphics card performance. If money is on object, and you want maximum speed, SLI configurations will provide the fastest performance (by some marginal amount). I believe that a good value lies below $200.

On the other side of the equation, I do recommend that everyone spend at least $100 if you’re going to buy a video card at all. Below $100 the price cuts come from remaindering really old inventory and removing parts from the card to save cost. For the savings of $25 you might lose half your card’s performance or half of its VRAM when you get down to the really cheap cards.

The other thing I tell users is the truth: no one at Laminar Research has an SLI system, so the reports we get on SLI come from users. Some users have told us they’ve gotten some benefit at very high FSAA levels. But at this point a single 8800 wll do the same thing. And SLI doesn’t address CPU speed at all. Consider this list of features – nothing on the CPU side will get even remotely faster with SLI.

And in full disclosure: my two Macs have a Radeon X1600 Mobility, a Radeon 9600, and a GeForce 5200 FX sits on the shelf for testing purposes. (This isn’t intentional bias toward ATI, it’s what Apple ships.)

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